
  • Run inside Browser ( inside V8 - Compiler )

  • Add code inside < script ></ script > tags or into file.js

  • Documentation:

MDN Official Documentation from Mozilla Developers Network
Free Book One of the most recommended book to learn JavaScript
Learn ES6 Setup ES6
  • Versions of EcmaScript Specification
  • Actualy we can use ES6 - is supported by the majority of more used browsers. - Firefox, chromium, safari

HTML5 use several APIs. We can interact with them using JavaScript.

Some notes:

  • You cannot test JavaScript code with nodejs ( most of the cases it doesn’t work )
  1. Create folder to work with JavaScript
  2. Install recommended packages.
$ sudo npm i -g live-server eslint

Create index.html

$ mkdir jsTest
$ cd jsTest
$ touch index.html fetch.js

Now add the next content to those files

<DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=en>
    <titile> Using Fetch API </title>
  <script src="fetch.js"></script>

Create fetch.js

// Using Promises syntax

	.then((response) => response.json())
	.then((commits) => alert(commits[0].author.logon));

Run ‘live-server’ inside that folder and see the results