SSH is for secure communications.
If you are using Linux, ensure you create your personal key.
Be sure you add your keys to ssh-db.
eval $(ssh-agent)
key-add .ssh/newkey_rsa
ssh-copy-id user@server
Your new Private SSH-KEY was stored in $HOME/.ssh folder.
You can create more to different hosts. Be sure you put your new ssh-keys into ~/.ssh/
You can use scp to transfer files from server to client or client or server.
Configure .ssh/config file for each host you may need to connect
You can configure ssh to run as a server, into any machine you wish to connect using ssh.
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Forbid root logins
- copy your public key to ssh-server with ‘ssh-copy-id’
- Forbid logins with password
- accept only known public keys connections
Restart SSH Server
/etc/init.d/ssh restart
Connect without using a passwd
ssh user@server