Tools to sign data and encrypt data.
Save your secrets, encripted.
Protect encripted data with password
Desencrypt your secrets only when needed.
gpg --full-generate-key
Follow instructions:
- Add the email you are going to use for email
- Use RSA key
- Set a password
Create revocation certificate if you want to remove old gpg-key.
gpg --output ~/revocation.crt --gen-revoke yourEmail
chmod 600 ~/revocation.crt
See your gpg keys:
gpg --list-keys
Share Public key:
gpg --output ~/username.key --armor --export user@email
Set your public key access in public server
gpg --send-keys --keyserver YOURKEY
Encript files:
gpg --encrypt --sign --armor -r user@mail file.txt
Deincript files
gpg --decrypt file.asc > plain.txt
- For email proposes:
- You can only open a file encrypted by someone else if you are that contact in the trust list
- Both need to have both public keys
gpg --import new-contact.key